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9 Great Superfoods To Boost Your Diet

A healthy lifestyle is one that strengthens your body with regular exercise and proper nutrition. What many folks don't realize is that there's an easy way to give your body an immense boost. If you're looking for a tasty way to take in lots of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and more, you're in luck. Superfoods are the way to go for giving yourself the best nutrition possible. What are superfoods? While conventional fruits and vegetables are excellent and belong in every diet, not everyone is familiar with nutrient-packed superfoods. These foods are special in that they provide an enormous range...

Australia’s organic industry has grown in leaps and bounds and is now worth over $1.72 billion. This growth is partly due to the fact that more and more people are turning to organic foods and ditching non-organic, highly processed food items. Organic Food Defined There are many health and environment benefits to be had by making the switch to eating organic foods. Organic food comes from farmers who comply with the regulatory standards of organic farming. These standards include limiting the use of harmful pesticides and fertilizers. Organic foods don’t contain synthetic food additives and have not been processed using...
20 Reasons You Need to Use Coconut Oil

You’ve more than likely heard about coconut oil and its benefits in the news recently. Over the last few years, coconut oil and its benefits, have been quickly on the rise for those of us trying to live a clean, healthier lifestyle. There are thousands of studies providing facts that coconut oil is one of the healthiest foods on the planet, and while this is true, there are more benefits to coconut oil than people really realize. Coconut contains healthy fats called medium-chain fatty acids, which include caprylic acid, lauric acid, and capric acid… which are all healthy fatty acids....
Top Tips for Eating Organic on a Budget

It’s true that buying organic foods is typically more expensive. However, this shouldn’t discourage you from starting a healthy food lifestyle. These top tips will guide you through organic eating without blowing your budget. Buy Seasonal Produce in Bulk It’s always cheaper to buy produce in season because of their abundance and the mere fact that they won’t have to be imported from other countries. Whenever you see their prices drop, buy them in bulk, then peel and freeze them. Grow Your Own Produce Even if you don’t have a garden, you can grow some of your own herbs and...
The 5 Best Superfoods to Add to Your Kids’ Diet

It’s a known fact that kids tend to develop a liking for foods which are not so good for their growing bodies, and encouraging them to eat healthily often poses a great challenge for parents. Below are some of the best superfoods that you can easily slip into your kid’s diet. Berries These superfoods are packed with vitamins, antioxidants, fibre, and phytochemicals. They also help keep memory sharp, manage diabetes, lower blood pressure, prevent urinary tract infections, fight cancer, and can lower the risk for heart attack. According to research, berries may even prevent Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. Fortunately, they...