Recipe: Almond & Coconut Milk (Mylk)

Posted by Ros Morrison on
Tags: Recipes
Recipe: Almond & Coconut Milk (Mylk)

People are becoming more and more aware that cow's milk is not always the best option for their body. 

There are now many milk alternatives - some refer to these as Mylk.  I make an almond and coconut blend. Mainly because even though we don't drink cow's milk anymore, we do still consume our 'milk' as if we did - so I need volume:-)

Almond milk is super easy to make, it is a little time consuming, but well worth the effort.

To make about 2'ish' litres of almond milk

  • 500gm of dry Almonds (or Organic Almonds
  • Soak these over night - preferably in filtered water. No more than 10 hours or it seems to make the almonds a bit bitter
  • After almonds have soaked, drain, rinse and divide into 2 portions. You will note that each portion should now be just under 400gms each
  • I use a ThermoChef to blend but any good blender will do
  • I mix the 400gm 'ish' batch with about 1.5lt of water, to this I add 2 Dates (or Organic Dates) and a sploosh of vanilla - this is entirely optional.
  • Blend on the highest speed for about 1 min, then lower to about half speed and blend for 4 mins

Once the milk is blended, you will need a nut bag to squeeze out the milk from the almond - which is now almond meal.  

You can keep and reuse this meal for other dishes.  I freeze  it as it is, but you can dehydrate it and then put in cupboard. 

Repeat process with the second batch. You will get about 2-2.5ltrs of milk.

Now the coconut milk is super simple too. 

  • You need just shy of 2 cups of coconut - desiccated, shredded, flakes - whatever works really - you are only going to blitz it to a pulp anyway (bulk and bulk organic options also available).
  • So if you are using anything thicker than the desiccated, then you will need to pulp it first.
  • Add about 1.5-1.75lt of water (filtered) to the coconut. If using shredded or flakes you need to blend on the highest speed for about 30 sec
  • On a low speed blend for about 5 mins at 90 degrees celsius - this is where the Thermo blender comes in handy. If you don't have one, you can start with a little cold water to start the mixing and then add boiled water as you blend.  
  • Leave this hot mixture for about 1-2 hrs then blend at a mid speed for 4 mins.
  • Drain out through a nut bag. You can reuse the coconut, but it's a bit bland. I'd really only use it for filling - not flavour.
  • Put the milk in the fridge until cold - you will get a thick layer of coconut cream on the top. Blend through with your blender again for about a 1 min to mix it up. You can then either just drink as is, or do as I do and add it to your almond milk. Yum! 


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